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Fibre Update 9

Posted on June 16th, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. 4 comments

Ben Stone advised at the end of last week that the forecast is Gigaclear should be ready for service (RFS) by end of this week.

“As soon as [your network] is marked RFS, it will update on the system and residents should get notified. You’ll be able to go to the website and place an order.

The order is booked through Gigaclear who will arrange surveyor required and fix the install date – I’m not sure of current lead time at moment, likely a max of about 4-6 weeks but could be quicker.”

I hope to hear more soon but if you have any queries you could put them as a comment on this post.

4 thoughts on “Fibre Update 9

  1. Ben Stone has advised that subsequent testing, following the recent work up on the A46, has resulted in more duct clearance being required. This is being done over the next four or five days so, hopefully, shortly after that our POTs will be declared RFS and the above timetable should kick in.

  2. Ooo! Very exciting, can we assume that Gigaclear have indeed puffed the fluff down the tubes and we can all look forward to superfast Internet fluffage in the not too distant future?