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Fibre Update 6

Posted on March 8th, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. 4 comments

The work on the A46 by Gigaclear is now programmed for 22 Mar to 2 Apr.  Hopefully, they will finish before the end of that period and the system can be declared Ready for Service (RFS) around that date.

Once it is RFS households can apply to be connected via Gigaclear’s website.

4 thoughts on “Fibre Update 6

  1. Just driven down the A46.
    No sign of any work starting!
    The dates given, were they for this year!?

  2. The work has been put back a week due to an emergency elsewhere. So the window is now set for 29 Mar to 9 Apr with the crew expected on site on Tuesday next week.

    • Thank you Richard.
      It’s just a shame that you have to keep chasing them to get any information.

      I signed up to Gigaclear well over a year ago when I first heard that they were going to install fibre. I’ve yet to receive a single piece of information from them. Doesn’t bode well for the future with them!

      Apologies for my earlier sarcasm.