Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

VE Day 75th anniversary – Gallery

Posted on May 10th, by Editor in Social Gatherings. 3 comments

Villagers hung out bunting and flags, and our musicians enhanced the atmosphere of the occasion, with David giving his rendition of wartime favourites which people were able to sing along to.  This helped us remember those who gave their lives for our freedom, at the same time bringing us all together in an atmosphere of happiness and togetherness.  There have been many expressions of thanks and gratitude for all these contributions.

Here is a collection of photos and videos showing Tresham residents commemorating the day.  Contact Editor if you have photos which could be included.

and some videos:


3 thoughts on “VE Day 75th anniversary – Gallery

  1. Thank you for this record and reminder of a very special day that will go down in history

  2. Thank you for posting such a lovely record of the day. Tresham at its best.

  3. Just wanted to say a big thank you to Anne Weaver, David and Janet and the Treshamites (sounds like a pop group from the sixties doesnt it?) for including me in the village VE Day celebrations. Living in Costa Rica it meant a lot to me as no-one here (including a lot of Americans and Canadians) mentioned it at all. Great to see everyone. Fab pics Richard and a big hug to all.