Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Parish Council News – September 2023

Posted on August 31st, by Simon (Councillor) in Parish Council. Comments Off on Parish Council News – September 2023

Here is the Parish Council article which will appear in September’s edition of the Hillesley Happenings newsletter.  Firstly, here are a few Tresham specific items:

  1. As part of the Parish Council’s community engagement initiative, paper copies of Hillesley Happenings will be distributed to all households in Tresham starting in September.  Regard this as a three-month trial.  The Council will request your feedback towards the end of that period.
  2. The fireworks village social is planned for Friday, November 3rd at 6pm.  More details to follow nearer the time.
  3. Please note the venue for September’s meeting of the Parish Council.




Chair: Simon Lee – chair@htpc.org.uk – 01666 890230 

Clerk: Julie Rowley – clerk@htpc.org.uk – 07956 193429

Next Parish Council meeting: Tuesday 12th September 8.00pm – Talbot Court Farm, Tresham.

Chair’s Report

The September meeting of Hillesley & Tresham Parish Council sees its annual excursion to Talbot Court Farm in Tresham.  Anyone thinking of attending the meeting, please note!

If you ask any existing Parish Councillors you’ll hopefully hear that involvement is enjoyable, satisfying and interesting.  With the next Council elections in May 2024 events are being planned now to attract potential new Councillors. This includes the ‘Be a Councillor’ meeting at Ebley Mill, Stroud on the 6th of September at 6pm.  People become Councillors for a variety of reasons. Some want to give something back to the community, to further their interest in politics or to represent local people and try to influence decisions affecting their area.

Once again I draw your attention to the Parish Council website noticeboard at htpc.org.uk.  The are currently many interesting articles worth reading.  These include the latest report from our Neighbourhood Policing Team, an update on the Charfield Station development, a copy of the 84/85 bus timetable and of course minutes of the July meeting of the Parish Council.

New Benches

The Council has recently helped provide two new benches in the Parish.  There is one in a new location at the Village Pound in Tresham and one by the phonebox in Hillesley replacing the original which was beyond repair.

Buses 84/85

The headline news is that the future of these bus services has been secured until Easter 2024. This reprieve is welcomed but there are no guarantees after this date and there is already much talk of ‘dial-up’ services in the future.  A campaign has been launched to encourage everyone to use the bus during the summer and beyond. It’s important that we try to make use of the service and explore how it might reduce the need for a car journey.

Gloucestershire Mentoring Program

Volunteer mentors are needed for local young people. It can be life-changing for a young person to have a trusted independent adult to talk to.  Demand for the service is high and the organisers are currently looking to expand their pool of volunteers – locals who are empowering young people in their communities to make positive changes and realise their potential.  If you’re interested and would like to find out more, the organisers would be pleased to see you at their online information event on 20th September, 7 – 8pm.  You can sign up here www.gloucestershirementoringprogramme.co.uk


30% more children were taken into care last year. More than 800 Gloucestershire children are now in care. There is a chronic shortage of caring foster homes across the county that allow children to stay in their schools, maintain friendships and remain in the area they know. More than 25% of these children are sent out of the county.  If you have ever thought about fostering and would like to find out about the range of ways you could be involved please go to www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/fostering/

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 12th September at 8pm at Talbot Court Farm in Tresham.