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Parish Council News – July 2023

Posted on July 10th, by Simon (Councillor) in Parish Council. Comments Off on Parish Council News – July 2023

Each month I write a short article for the Hillesley Happenings newsletter which is printed and circulated mostly throughout Hillesley.  I am also aware that a few of us in Tresham also receive a copy via email.  However, as discussed at last month’s meeting of the Parish Council, it was suggested that I also publish the article on this website too.  Please let me have any feedback or suggestions and don’t forget that copies of the Hillesley Happenings newsletter can be found here: https://htpc.org.uk/hillesley-happenings/




Chair: Simon Lee – chair@htpc.org.uk – 01666 890230 

Clerk: Julie Rowley – clerk@htpc.org.uk – 07956 193429

Next Parish Council meeting: Tuesday 11th July – Hopkins Hall, Hillesley at 8.00pm

Chair’s Report

Hillesley & Tresham Parish Council is required to complete an Annual Governance and Accountability Return setting out a Governance Statement, Accounting Statement, and Internal Audit for each financial year.  In our Parish Council’s case, due to its relatively small size, there is also the facility to be certified as exempt from an external review.  All the necessary documentation was reviewed and approved at June’s meeting.  It is available on the Parish Council’s website for public scrutiny.  Please let the Clerk know if you have any questions.

Local Bus Service 84 & 85

You will hopefully be aware that a temporary reprieve has been won to extend these services for another three months until the 3rd of September.  This is whilst an alternative solution can be found for the long term. In the meantime, the Parish Council urges you to use and to promote the use of these services.

Build Back Better – Councillor Scheme

As highlighted last month, some County Council budget is available to support initiatives to support a wide range of youth projects and initiatives including sport, recreation and leisure activities, wellbeing, mental health, building resilience, and digital innovation.

The fund is also open to a variety of local groups, including but not limited to community and voluntary organisations, charities, town and parish councils, and sports groups. For more information visit:  https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/build-back-better-councillor-scheme/ 


If you have any unwanted bicycles that are in a road-worthy condition, please make the Parish Clerk aware.  Our County Councillor Linda Cohen is endeavouring to increase independence, particularly for young people who live and work locally, by making cheap or free bicycles available.


It’s often asked what role the Parish Council has in the planning application process.  The Parish Council is a statutory consultee which means the planning authority circulates new planning applications to the parish clerk. The Parish Council then has the option to comment by the deadline and new planning applications are a standing item on the agenda for monthly Parish Council meetings. The Parish Council is invited to submit comments to Stroud District Council, which is the Planning Authority. The Parish Council is not obliged to comment, but if it so decides, the clerk forwards the agreed comment after council meetings.  For more information visit:  https://www.stroud.gov.uk/environment/planning-and-building-control.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 11th July at 8pm in Hopkins Hall, Hillesley.