Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Parish Council – October

Posted on October 21st, by Simon (Councillor) in Parish Council. Comments Off on Parish Council – October

New Parish Clerk

Following the recruitment process during the summer months, it is with great pleasure that I introduce our new parish clerk to you.  Julie Rowley was appointed and commenced in her role on the 1st of September.  As many of you will know, Julie is a resident of Tresham.  She recently retired after a long career in administrative roles, with the majority of her time in the public sector, including around thirty years in the probation service.  The Parish Council is looking forward to having Julie alongside and benefitting from her valuable experience.

Web Site Noticeboard

Thanks to Julie, the Noticeboard on the Parish Council website (www.htpc.org.uk) has become a more valuable source of information for all.  The Noticeboard is a dynamic area which will be updated on a regular basis.  Current items include information on road closures in and around the parish during November and news about planning permission for the new railway station at Charfield.

Councillor Vacancies

Just a quick reminder that two vacancies remain on the Parish Council.  If you’d like to add a little to the local community and you feel that you have something to offer, please consider becoming a councillor.  Speak to one of the existing councillors, contact the clerk or come along to the next meeting and see for yourself.

Tresham Defibrillator

A quick update on the village defibrillator in the phone box.  We’ve just received new pads, which have a relatively short shelf life.  They also need to be replaced after each use.  If you happen to need and use the defibrillator please call the telephone number written inside the unit afterwards to request new pads.  There was a sad outcome nearby recently where a unit was taken to an emergency for it only to be discovered that the pads were missing.  Also, the area in front of the phone box is often used as an overspill parking area.  If you or your visitors park there please ensure that the telephone box door is not obstructed preventing access to the defibrillator.

Fireworks & Bonfire

Hopefully, see you all at the fireworks evening on Friday 4th November starting at 6pm.  Donations towards the fireworks can be made here: www.tresham.org.uk/fundraising. Alternatively, cash in envelopes will be gratefully accepted at the Old Plough House.