Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Halloween Festivities on Sunday 31st

Posted on October 11th, by Editor in Social Gatherings. Comments Off on Halloween Festivities on Sunday 31st

Halloween Festivities on Sunday 31st

If you want to participate please put a pumpkin out.  Treats don’t need to be sweats.  The trick or treating walk to be between 4 and 5:30 pm.   

At the same time there will be some Halloween games along The Furlongs, however if it is raining these games will take place in the Goodenough’s Barn.

Games, to name a few: Apple Bobbing (in separate bowls), pin the spider on the web, rummage through worms for treasure (spaghetti hunt).  Sanitiser and wipes available to follow COVID guidelines.

Please email clairetaylor78@gmail.com to let us know about children numbers and age range.  If you have a favourite game let us know.


Thank you,

Jenny and Claire


[PS Don’t forget the clocks go back that morning – Ed]