Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Foodbank Harvest Donation

Posted on October 29th, by Editor in Church. Comments Off on Foodbank Harvest Donation

Dear Tresham Church,

We wanted to say a really big THANK YOU for your harvest donation this year. We have already collected over 5 tonnes of food and your donation of 12.95kg of food&120 certainly contributed to that.

Prior to September our stock levels really ran low and we knew that we might have a busy winter ahead, so these Harvest collections really do help supplement the regular giving through supermarkets. So again Thank You!

To add to a busy Summer we moved Warehouse in July and are so pleased to be in and fully operational before the Autumn. This will be our first Harvest and Christmas in our new home. We hope it wasn’t too hard to find for you to find!

Now that Harvest is almost packed away, our thoughts are turning towards Christmas. Next week we’ll be sending out information to the agencies and schools that give out our Christmas Hampers and we foresee there being a good take up for this offer. Should you wish to help in anyway all the information is on our website, including a poster and key dates and links. https://strouddistrict.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/christmas/

Very best wishes

Nikki, Amanda, Sarah and all the team