Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Fibre Update 4

Posted on February 2nd, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. Comments Off on Fibre Update 4

Ben Stone has answered the questions I put to him under Fibre Update 3 as follows:

  1. This section should now be completed, please could you confirm that is the case and if not I will chase it again. [I replied to say that apart from the scurry outside Twin Cottage on Sunday we weren’t aware of other ongoing work by Complete Utilities.]
  2. As I’ve explained on the phone we have finished installing the POTs in the Tresham section and we now need to complete a section connecting them back to a chamber on the A46. We will have to do this section with traffic management in place, to enable the gang to work safely and to keep road users safe, and this is going through the necessary internal process. We are aiming to get this completed this month and I am checking with the Project Manager for updates. I will let you know should this change but that remains the target currently.
  3. As long as residents have registered at gigaclear.com they will receive an update when their POT is Ready for Service.
  4. Installation wait time can vary and of course currently can be dependent on contractor resource (for instance crews having to isolate due to Covid regulations) but usually we will be able to turn these round within a few weeks of a service being ordered.
  5. As long as the installation goes smoothly on the day – service will be available as soon as the work is completed. I have seen a variety of installs where it has taken 4 hours to complete and also instances where it has been longer due to a complicated non-standard install. The crews work very efficiently to complete the install.
  6. You can change between packages and our customer service team can help with this once you are a customer.
  7. Noted on that point – obviously it is a fluid build which makes it challenging at times to communicate on a POT by POT basis, obviously as stated we will let you know once live and we are working to improve the way we send out wider updates during the build. My role in particular is a part of that!
  8. Info on the router is here: https://www.gigaclear.com/smart-wifi We upgraded this about a year ago to improve our wifi performance and it has certainly landed well.