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Hello from our New Vicar

Posted on October 7th, by Editor in Church. Comments Off on Hello from our New Vicar

Hello from our New Vicar

Hello Everyone
I’m Cookie (Aka Revd Rachel Cook) and hubby and I (Aka Matt) are very excited to be joining you all in the new year when I am licensed as Vicar of the Tyndale Benefice.
Where to start to let you know a bit about us?
Well, I have been an RAF Chaplain for a few years and whilst I will remain Reservist, Matt and I felt that God was asking us to take a leap of faith and apply for this Parish Priest post. The rest is history and now, as we wait for me to finish full time military service and for the wonderful new Vicarage to be finished, it is good to reflect on all the great things which I am sure we will experience with you when we join the community with our family and myriad of animals. Matt will also be working from home, so a first for him too.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We have been to Wotton and the surrounding villages a few times and have experienced the local hospitality and friendliness of all the local people.
We are hoping you will be able to join us for my licensing when it happens, but obviously we are all under COVID regulations for the time being.
Either way, January cannot come soon enough for us and we will be delighted when we can meet you all in (socially distanced) person.